Why? You may well ask. Since 6th July 2006 I have moved country three times, accomodation 4 times and am about to up both of those by a factor of one ...
Some would say I was nomadic. Others running from something. Both may be right. The what of the running from clause has yet to be determined though it's lack of form does have the effect of driving usually sane and sensible people of a parental variety into paroxisms of misunderstanding and anguish.
"But, but, but ... " they stutter, to which the only response is "Because, because, because ..." which then prompts an outburst of why's wherefore's etc.
While many of my peers find themselves soaring through the money laden skies of gainful but soul destroying employment, I instead find myself applying for a position that will pay me in a month what many of them make in an hour. Does it daunt me that I will soon, if all goes to plan, be making £40 a month? Of course it doesn't. Does it concern me that I will potentially be adding unexploded landmines to my list of commuting inconveniences? Should it? Does it fill me with angst and fear that I may well be spending the next two years in sub-saharan Africa ... me a fairskinned scot whose ability to endure extended periods of heat and sun would make an ice-cream look stubborn? Not really no ...
Twixt then and now stands a small amount of the unremarkable beast known as uncertainty, but the excitement of that uncertainty certainly keeps the juices flowing. Therein also stands a biggish apple ... woo and indeed hoo, if I may be so bold ...